Sudbury Extended Day

(978) 443-5829

Snow Policy

Sudbury Extended Day, including the First Parish Center, follows the Sudbury Public Schools weather related closings, and is not open if the public schools are closed due to bad weather or other emergencies.  In addition, SED cannot provide services if the schools close early due to bad weather, power failures, or other extreme events.

If the Sudbury Public Schools has a delayed opening, SED’s morning program will not be open.

In the event that SPS does not close school early but cancels after school activities due to weather, SED will follow the guidelines below:

  • If after school activities are canceled prior to 12:00 pm, SED programs will be canceled. The SED admin team will communicate the closure to all enrolled families and ask them to complete a change of dismissal form that we will then submit to each SPS school by 1:00 pm.  If we are still missing information from families at that time, we will call all parents to confirm their plans.
    • In the event that not every family can be reached, or if they cannot arrange for pick up by dismissal, there will be at least one SED employee on site at the schools to care for students until they can be safely picked up.
  • If after school activities are canceled after 12:00 pm, SED programs will open but will only remain open until 4:00 pm. The early closure/pick up times will be communicated with all families by SED and there will be no change of dismissal plans needed for the schools.
  • In the event of inclement weather where SPS does not cancel after school activities, SED reserves the right to close early if weather causes conditions that impact travel safety for students, families and staff members. In these instances, SED will communicate an early closure as outlined above (no change of dismissal plans needed for the schools).

All information regarding SED closures is communicated via EMAIL.


As a snow-related reminder: at SED we value outdoor play, and therefore try to get outside each day when weather permits. Please make sure your child has appropriate snow gear for outdoor play each day. Hats and gloves are particularly prone to go missing, so if you have any extras at home, we are happy to keep them at SED. Thank you for your help with this!




Our mission

The mission of Sudbury Extended Day is to provide the children of working parents with nurturing before and after school programs that offer diverse opportunities for enrichment, exploration, and the development of social skills.

Sudbury Extended Day operates under license from and supervision by the Department of Early Education and Care of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

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