Sudbury Extended Day

(978) 443-5829


Leanne Glynn is our Site Coordinator at the Loring School. Mrs. Glynn has a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Massachusetts.  She has been with SED for 15 years.  Joanne Curran is the Assistant Site Coordinator.  Mrs. Curran has been at SED for 20 years!

The Loring SED program is primarily located in the Dining Room of Loring School. We are able to offer many different activities throughout the day for our students.  We offer snack, outdoor time, gym time, homework time and free play time.  We offer 4 to 5 crafts per day, most of these are teacher-led, but we love when the children come up with their own ideas to share with their peers.  Homework time is offered each day as a time for children to read or do homework in a quiet space in the school.  We also incorporate Club Days into our program; these are one day a week for three weeks, specialized crafts or activities dedicated to a theme.  In the past, some clubs themes have been: running, Harry Potter, mermaids, reading, and board games.  We also offer Grade Days once a month, during which the children in a particular grade can choose what they would all like to do together.  This is a very popular day!

Our Early Release Wednesday programs consist of theme days, field trips, and invited guests.  Companies we have invited in the past to host a program have included Animal Adventures, the Whalemobile, the New England Aquarium and the Flying Frisbee Dogs.  Our field trips have included Apex Entertainment, Roller Kingdom, Discovery Museum, and Honey Pot Orchards.  Our theme days involve many crafts and activities; themes we’ve had in the past are Medieval Day, American Ninja Warrior Day, Its a Bug’s Life Day, and our Annual Chicken Lunch and Football game in November.

Loring Elementary School
80 Woodside Road
Sudbury, MA 01776

Did you know?

  • There are 550+ children currently in our programs.
  • We employ over 60 full and part-time staff members.
  • Our average teacher tenure is 13 years – a testament to the strength of our organization. Our teachers love their pivotal role in helping shape the social and emotional lives of Sudbury’s children!

SED Contact Information

Office: 365 Boston Post Road
Suite 209, Sudbury 01776
tel: 978-443-5829

First Parish (K/1 Center)
tel: 978-443-3153

tel: 978-443-7934

tel: 978-443-4167

tel: 978-440-9757

tel: 978-443-9282

tel: 978-443-6964

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