Sudbury Extended Day

(978) 443-5829


Rosanne Esteves is the Site Coordinator at the First Parish Kindergarten Program.  She earned her Bachelor’s Degree from Framingham State College and Master’s Degree from Lesley College.  She has been at Sudbury Extended Day since 1995. Ms. Esteves’ philosophy has always been to give each child the highest form of kindness, dignity and respect. She wants each child to walk into the program and feel safe and happy. A quote that she lives by every day while working with her precious students is, “Every child in your class is someone’s whole world.”

Our Kindergarten program is designed to encourage and support the physical, social, emotional and cognitive growth of each child.

Children have the option to choose from theme based, open-ended sensory projects and STEAM Educational eventsWe also have a Free Art Area where children may use their creativity to design something unique. Various centers are set up for the children to pursue throughout the year. The Math Center allows the children to explore various math manipulatives and math concepts. The Writing Center provides an area for the children to practice letters, words, write stories and make books. The Science Center is changed frequently and is housed with interesting items for the children to research and investigate. Our Quiet Reading Area allows for a relaxing location where children may pursue various literacy materials. The Building Area has different types of blocks, Legos, MagnaTiles and toys such as castles, cars and animals. The Drama Area is changed frequently with themes to foster imagination through dramatic play. Outdoor play is very essential as we bring forth cooperative games, various gross motor activities and the exploration of nature. In addition, we also have many games and toys for the children to play with that help promote socialization and sharing.

The Kindergarten Center holds mini Circle Times where themes are presented, literature is read and music and movement opportunities are brought forth.

As a Kindergarten staff, we promote diversity and multiculturalism. Throughout the year, we present books visuals, artifacts and projects that enhance the children’s understanding about the diversity in our world.

We explore many different themes throughout the school year such as Native Americans, Dinosaurs, Chinese New Year and the Solar System. (This is just a small sampling of what we offer!) During these times, we use a lot of visuals, music, quality literature and artifacts to enhance our themes.

We are a “Bully~Free” classroom. We help guide the children to be responsible, kind and caring citizens via specialized mini-meetings that we have adapted and modified to our Kindergarten Curriculum. (*Via the Open Circle Curriculum*)

School Transition: The new school year brings excitement and anxiety to many incoming Kindergartners. We strive to make the transition to SED Kindergarten as easy as possible and our teachers are readily available to help the children adjust to our program. We let the children know ahead of time what the schedule is and what they should expect. During bus time, we coordinate with the Public Schools to ensure the safe arrival of students to the SED Kindergarten Center. We also provide extra comfort and support to children who may experience separation anxiety.

Early Release Days

On Early Release days ~ the children depart school at 12:45 and eat lunch at SED. (*We provide snack*) The students will either participate in a thematic event or a performer/venue will come in to entertain and educate the children. Our themes include Pirate Day, Polar Express, SED Olympics, Hawaiian Luau and many more! We only bring in performers who have proven to be consistently kind and respectful to our students. (Animal Adventures, Pumpernickel Puppets, Curious Creatures, and Violet the Clown to name a few!)

Daily Schedule

3:35/3:40 ~ Bus arrival and Snack (We provide snack daily)

4:00-6:00: *Outside Play, *Choices (Projects, activities, special events, table centers), *Free Play Upstairs/Downstairs

5:50 Ending Circle

6:15 SED Closes


First Parish Church
327 Concord Road, Sudbury
(978) 443-3153

Did you know?

  • There are 550+ children currently in our programs.
  • We employ over 60 full and part-time staff members.
  • Our average teacher tenure is 13 years – a testament to the strength of our organization. Our teachers love their pivotal role in helping shape the social and emotional lives of Sudbury’s children!

SED Contact Information

Office: 365 Boston Post Road
Suite 209, Sudbury 01776
tel: 978-443-5829

First Parish (K/1 Center)
tel: 978-443-3153

tel: 978-443-7934

tel: 978-443-4167

tel: 978-440-9757

tel: 978-443-9282

tel: 978-443-6964

  • abbie