Sudbury Extended Day

(978) 443-5829


Emily Danault is the Site Coordinator at the Curtis Middle School. Emily has her B.A. in Music from Westfield State College, and has been with SED for 20 years.

The Curtis SED Program has a different feel to it than our elementary school programs.  We have a longer afternoon with the students here and we are able to incorporate some different and interesting activities into our program because of it.  Whatever day(s) a student comes to SED, we provide them with something constructive to do: an intricate and engaging craft, fun games (Catan! Ping Pong! Passe-Trappe!), quiet homework time, gym games or hanging out in our “lounge area” with their friends. SED is a great place for students to spend time with friends they may not see as much during the school day as they will be separated onto teams for 6th grade.  We also have all the students get some fresh air when the weather cooperates (we even play in the woods!)

On Early Release Wednesdays, we are able to go on different field trips because of the ages of our students and the flexibility of leaving earlier because of the school day timing.  Some of the different trips include a tour of Fenway Park, Tubing at Nashoba Valley, and Boundless Adventures in Berlin for their ropes course.  We are also working hard to incorporate more outdoor and physical activities into our schedule.

On Fridays at Curtis, we tend to have a smaller and much more intimate program.  Also, heading into the weekend we don’t hold a formal “Homework Time.” Because of this, we work on coming together more as a community; the program has been doing “Fun Fridays” for the past few years.  Some of the activities have included Bingo, Jeopardy, Let’s Make A Deal and some Community Service projects as well.  While participation is optional, of course, we have about 95% participation of our Friday students in our Fun Friday activities. The students seem to really enjoy themselves.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are the designated days at Curtis for classroom teachers to stay and provide afterschool help to all students.  Teachers generally stay for an extra half hour.  There is no bus service after these hours, however, so SED is a great option for students with working parents who can’t pick them up in the middle of the day (and who would take the bus home on other days).

Curtis Middle School
22 Pratts Mill Road, Sudbury
(978) 443-6964

Did you know?

  • There are 550+ children currently in our programs.
  • We employ over 60 full and part-time staff members.
  • Our average teacher tenure is 13 years – a testament to the strength of our organization. Our teachers love their pivotal role in helping shape the social and emotional lives of Sudbury’s children!

SED Contact Information

Office: 365 Boston Post Road
Suite 209, Sudbury 01776
tel: 978-443-5829

First Parish (K/1 Center)
tel: 978-443-3153

tel: 978-443-7934

tel: 978-443-4167

tel: 978-440-9757

tel: 978-443-9282

tel: 978-443-6964

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