Sudbury Extended Day

(978) 443-5829


Application fees – yearly fee to cover administrative cost throughout the year. $40 for one child, $45 for more than one child.


Month charge based on the 36 weeks of school. Tuition is divided into 10 equal payments. The tuition payment does not include Holiday and Vacation Programs. The tuition does include the Early Release Day fees. There are no additional charges for the before and after school program.

Holiday and Vacation Programs:

Tuition for these programs is only charged to children who use the program. The tuition includes 11 hours of child care as well as snacks, crafts and all travel and admission fees.

Space Available Fees:

Parents can contract for an additional day or morning on a space available basis. Fees will appear on their next months statement. See rates for actual fee. Parents cannot switch days on an occasional basis.

Late Payment charges:

Tuition is our only source of Income. SED depends on the tuition to cover cost of school rental, staff salaries and supplies. Tuition is due the first of each month for that month. Payments received after the first are subject to a $20 late payment fee. Please note the September statement will be mailed to the home in August. All other statements are placed in student folders on the 15th of each month before the tuition is due.

Late Pick up fees:

Parents are expected to pick up at the time they have contracted. Parents who pick up after their contracted time will be subject to a late pick up time at the rate of $1.00 a minute.


Search Fees:

All parents are required to call their child in absent if the child is not coming to SED on their contracted day. We are not affiliated with the Sudbury Public Schools and we do not receive word from the school if the child is absent. It is the parent’s responsibility to call SED at least one hour before the start of the program if their child is not coming. Parents who do not notify SED will be subject to a $25.00 search fee for the first instance, and $50 for each instance thereafter. Parents should notify SED by calling their child’s site directly and leaving message on answering machine, emailing their child’s site, or leaving a note in the pass on book.  Calls about absences should not go to the main office unless the child is in the kindergarten program at First Parish.

Return check fee:

There is a $30 return check fee when a check is returned for insufficient funds or closed account.

Our mission

The mission of Sudbury Extended Day is to provide the children of working parents with nurturing before and after school programs that offer diverse opportunities for enrichment, exploration, and the development of social skills.

Sudbury Extended Day operates under license from and supervision by the Department of Early Education and Care of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

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